
Example Request

curl "<<apiKey>>&fields=ip,is_eu,city,region,region_code,country_name,country_code,continent_name,continent_code,latitude,longitude,postal,calling_code,flag,emoji_flag,emoji_unicode"
ipdata -f ip -f is_eu -f city -f region -f region_code -f country_name -f country_code -f continent_name -f continent_code -f latitude -f longitude -f postal -f calling_code -f flag -f emoji_flag -f emoji_unicode

Sample Response

	"ip": "",
	"is_eu": false,
	"city": "Syracuse",
	"region": "New York",
	"region_code": "NY",
  "region_type": "state",
	"country_name": "United States",
	"country_code": "US",
	"continent_name": "North America",
	"continent_code": "NA",
	"latitude": 43.0483,
	"longitude": -76.1468,
	"postal": "13261",
	"calling_code": "1",
	"flag": "",
	"emoji_flag": "๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ธ",
	"emoji_unicode": "U+1F1FA U+1F1F8",


ipThe IP address that was looked up.
is_euReturns true or false depending on whether the country is a recognized member of the European Union. The list of all EU countries is compiled from this list on the European Union website.
countThe total number of requests made by your API key in the last 24 hrs. Updates once a minute.
cityThe name of the city from where the IP Address is located.
regionThe name of the region where the IP Address is located.
region_codeThe ISO 3166-2 code for the region.
region_typeThe given region can either be a first or second level administrative subdivision, this field tells you what type it is. For example in the US the region is usually a state, Canada has provinces etc
country_nameThe name of the country where the IP Address is located.
country_codeThe 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the country.
continent_nameThe name of the continent where the IP Address is located. One of; Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Oceania, South America
continent_codeThe 2 letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code for the continent. One of; AF, AN, AS, EU, NA, OC, SA
latitudeAn approximate latitudinal location for the IP Address. Often near the center of population.
longitudeAn approximate longitudinal location for the IP Address. Often near the center of population.
postalThe Postal code for where the IP Address is located.
calling_codeThe International Calling Code for the country where the IP Address is located.
flagA link to a PNG/SVG file with the flag of the country where the IP Address is located. To pick your format set the extension you want eg. for PNG or for SVG.
emoji_flagAn emoji version of the flag of the country where the IP Address is located.
emoji_unicodeThe Unicode for the emoji flag.