We have ~2.5M unique companies covering ~9M subnets.
Company data is only available on the Startup plan and above.
Example Request
ipdata -f company
Sample Response
"name": "Apple Inc.",
"domain": "",
"network": "",
"type": "business"
Data Fields
Field | Description |
name | The name of the end-user organization the network has been assigned to. |
domain | The website of the organization. |
network | The network prefix assigned to the organization. |
type | The usage type associated with the IP Address and Company |
Usage Type
There are several options for usage type
Field | Description |
hosting | Belonging to a datacenter (we have mapped 200M+ hosting IP addresses) |
isp | Belonging to ISP IP space (we have mapped 1B+ isp IPs) |
cdn | Belonging to a Content delivery network |
edu | Educational institutions |
gov | One of ~25,000 government agencies worldwide |
mil | Military organizations |
business | End-user organizations |
Updated over 2 years ago